
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

#craftblogclub Spring Clean Swap

 Craft swaps, like Paris, are always a good idea in my opinion.  If proof ever be needed - look at this little pretty that Gude from Hodge Podge sent me in the latest #craftblogclub Spring Clean swap!
The latest #craftblogclub challenge [earlier this year, it was Re-love] was to make a gift using items we already had and I could not be happier with the beautiful framed 'Paris' cross-stitch I received.  

Paris and the Eiffel Tower, in particular, are no strangers to this blog and Gude could not have been more thoughtful - from the colours used, to the silver thread detail of the design - this is me in cross-stitch form.  Thank you, Gude!  Here's some of that detail a little closer:
 It did receive a little knock in the post, but I'll have that replaced soon and for now, it sits proudly for all to see on my side table and provide excellent hints of a long weekend away!
Thank you so much Gude - I love it!
Another fab #craftblogclub challenge - can't wait to find out what the next is!

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