
Sunday, March 1, 2015

february wrap-up

chicken pie
homemade chicken pie
the new kitchen
sleeping on the floor
sleeping on the floor at the Hilton

March has come!  I thought I'd do a little February wrap-up.  I started the month up in Santa Cruz with Faith.  I had a little getaway weekend at the end of January and drove home on the first of February.  I can't tell you how refreshing it was to spend a weekend with my daughter.  We ate out, saw a movie, shopped at Bookshop Santa Cruz (so fun!  I overspent on books!), got pedicures, and watched City.Ballet on her laptop under her fully quits.  Mother-daughter time at its finest.  The movie we saw was The Imitation Game and we cried so much.  I drove home Sunday and that Monday I had a day off so Ken and I had breakfast out.  So it was a really  nice weekend over all.

Mid-month I attended the CSNO conference in Anaheim.  It is the yearly school nurses' conference that is held in different parts of California each year.  Last year was in Sacramento, which I loved.  Getting away to Anaheim is less exciting, but I still leaned a lot and it is always nice to bond with the other nurses.

For the Oscars we had a super fun "party" at my parents' house.  And by "party" I mean it was just them and us.  My mom made a lovely spread of food and we watched the entire thing.  Even the boys were mesmerized because we don't have broadcast TV at home, so it's a treat to watch an actual show.

And, I also had jury duty one day.  It stressed by out!  But fortunately I did not get selected to serve on a long trial.  Next time perhaps I'll be a bit more prepared, but this time I was not and was so thankful to be released after serving my one day.

And now we are on to March!  It even rained a little today to welcome the new month.  Do you have any March goals?

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