
Monday, May 18, 2015

How To Make a Copper Wire Wrapped Jar

If you are a bit in love with the rose gold / copper trend, but don't have the budget to follow it, here is a quick way to add accents to what you already own.

What I Used:

Like in supermarkets, you can find products in craft stores that are exactly the same, just labelled differently, or in a different section [and cheaper].  Rather than jewellery wire, I picked up some floristry wire for half the price [£1.99 here]: 
 Start by unwrapping your wire and make one full round of the your jar - to keep it in place and
 to start create a bow, at around 4cm from the end, knot your wire:
Now, continue wrapping your wire in the opposite direction from the first round until you begin to build up the colour and detail.  Once you have the design you like, wrap your wire to secure:
To create a bow, take one end and at around 1/3 of the length from the wrap, bend the wire gently into a loop that meets at the wrap [I'm sure that there is a much better way for me to explain that, but hopefully the photo below explains better!]:
Do the same with the opposite side:
...and to secure the loops, wind them around each other one at the centre:
Cut the wires so that the ends are even and add a little shape to them if you fancy:
...and your wire wrapped jar is complete.  Add flowers, toiletries or use as decoration on its own:
Try this technique around the middle or bottom of glass vases and jars to vary the design, thread beads to add texture and mix wire types to add some colour variation.
see you next time x
[hopefully not too long, but trying to move and patchy internet are not in my favour at the moment!]

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