
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Metamorphose Vintage Poodle JSK review

I recently purchased a jumperskirt on egl_comm_sales. I'd never bought anything by Metamorphose before as their prints had rarely appealed to me. I have always fawned over Angelic Pretty's many marvelous releases, and occasionally checked on Alice and the Pirates as the style of their dresses is interesting to me. But recently, I was browsing Hellolace and finding a few dresses by Meta that I really liked! Anyway, when I saw the Vintage Poodle Tiered jumperskirt in pink I fell in love with it.

My dress was shipped to me super quickly (just three days from Germany to England) and when I opened my package, it looked even lovelier than it had in the seller's photo!

This dress is super versatile. The collar is detachable for a more toned-down look, and so is the belt. 

The collar has super pretty embroidery of the brand name on it. 

The collar detaches by a series of buttons on the underside of the bodice. The shoulder straps are also attached by a button. I'm not sure if this is so you can cross the straps over at the back, or to give you the option of adding more button holes to adjust the length of the straps. In the end, I added some stitching to the straps so that the buttons would receive less stress from the weight of the dress.

The jumperskirt has soft, pink lining and a built in petticoat. The dress actually has a fair amount of volume without adding your own petticoat.

So far I think it looks nicest coordinated with white. I added my new wristcuffs to a simple white cardigan to see how it all looked together and I liked it. I think I'll try to make a complete outfit incorporating these things.

I love this dress! It has a really nice retro/50s vibe, and has lots of options for how you can wear it.

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