
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

fruit salad ice pops

fruit ice pops

These "fruit salad" ice pops were so fun to make!  We got the idea from this video (via Everyday Food).  We had been wanting to make these since last summer, but only just now got around to it for the popsicle party.

We made these the morning of (they take 6 hours to freeze) and the children were highly involved.  I cut up the fruit and they pushed the pieces down into the popsicle molds.  You can see that they are lovely, even without any special arrangement or skill whatsoever.  We used kiwi, fresh pineapple, and strawberries.  The ice is white grape juice.  They were surprisingly yummy and very popular at the party (although some kids didn't finish theirs).  We also had regular popsicles.  These were just for the fun of making them and because they are so pretty. 

It was so fun unmolding pop after pop at the party and to see how each one turned out.  Unfortunately I was handing them out, so unable to photograph more of them.  They were all pretty, though.  I'd love to try these with more and different fruits, especially blueberries, although I'll always use the kiwis because they are just so gorgeous. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Autumn is here!

Hey everyone! It's been a few weeks since I last posted. I was pretty bogged down with getting uni assignments finished in time for the end of term so I didn't have a lot of time (or inspiration) for a blog post.

I'm still feeling pretty uninspired so I thought I'd do a quick post of random little things that have happened.

For starters, I turned twenty! I feel proper old! Well, not really. It's just a little weird not being a teenager any more but I guess I'm ok with it. I had a pretty understated birthday celebration at home with my parents.

Despite my leaving teenagerdom behind, I got the most adorable owl cake!

You can see where I placed the candles before changing my mind. The cake was from Tesco, surprisingly. I never expected to find something so cute there!

Another significant life event is that my laptop died. The hard disk drive was clearly on its way out so I rescued all my data and bought a new laptop-- an Asus X75V. I really love it! I feel kinda sorry for my old Dell Inspiron. It had a complete and utter freakout, making bizarre melodic beeping noises with the screen flashing in rainbow colours! I wouldn't recommend those laptops to anybody. That's the second one I've gotten through in the space of three years.

Next up is a recent coord with one of the handmade skirts I bought at Frock On.

My mum reckons the fully elasticated waist band is unflattering but I love this skirt regardless! Perfect for bittersweet lolita and super comfortable!

In other news, I bought my first tarot deck last week! I decided to go for the Crystal Visions deck because I was incredibly drawn to the rich, feminine artwork. It arrived on Saturday in time for Mabon/ Autumn Equinox and I've been practising ever since.

Don't they look beautiful? I really enjoy the whole process of doing different spreads and interpreting the meanings of the cards. It's very calming.

I've been pretty pleased about the weather lately. It would be nice if it were a bit sunnier, but I've enjoyed the cooler temperatures. It has made me feel as if I need a new coat, though. The only lolita-specific coat I own is black, so it would be nice to have one in pink or even white but I haven't seen any that I like or think are worth the price lately. The other thing I've been eyeing up lately are bonnets! I think I'll take the plunge and see if they suit me or not.

That's about all that's been going on with me lately! I have a lolita meet to look forward to on Saturday so I need to prepare my coord for that!

Thanks for reading, and see you next time 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

scenes from the weekend

popsicle party! in the fort jumping at the popsicle party at the popsicle party late summer flowers troll from denmark happy equinox! autumn tea

The weekend was good. The popsicle party on Saturday went off without a hitch. It was well attended and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Ken placed a sprinkler under the trampoline and the kids jumped in the spray. They loved it! (Instagram video of it here).

My parents very kindly offered to watch the kids post-party, and Ken and I had our first date night in a month or so.  It was so nice to have time together, just the two of us.  Yay for date nights!  We grabbed burgers here and saw a movie (yay for entertainment!).  We saw Thanks for Sharing which I much enjoyed.   I don't need a fancy date night to feel re-connected.  A burger and a movie is fantastic, as far as I'm concerned.

Sunday we celebrated the equinox with a little tea party.  I attempted to make aebelskivers for the first time ever.  I bought a little pan at the Scandinavian festival last spring.  You guys--it's hard!  They were tasty, but none too pretty.  I will say they make a delightful tea dish.  We even got a touch of fall-ish weather, so the timing was perfect.

Otherwise, it was a fairly normal weekend with chores and hanging out.  I'm ready for another week!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Frock On!

On Saturday 31st August, I attended a huge meetup hosted by the Tea Party Club called Frock On! It was billed as an array of brands, designers, fashion shows and stalls, and it definitely did not disappoint on that front!

I woke up at 6:30 am so I could have a shower, and get my hair, makeup and outfit sorted out in time to catch the 8:00 am bus. Somehow I made it in good time, and was soon on my way to Milton Keynes. From there I got the fast Virgin train to London Euston. In London, because the Northern line was down, I had to take the Victoria line down to Oxford Circus, and change for the Bakerloo line to Embankment.

I made it to the event early, and there was already a crowd of frilly girls stood in the entrance lobby. Just from this area I could tell the hotel was going to be beautiful.
 Most of my photos came out super blurry but at least that comes in handy here-- no need to obscure any faces!

As I walked up the staircase I felt like I was at Hogwarts! I half expected the people in the paintings to move...

There was a huge room devoted to the stalls of the various brands selling their wares that day. People were really excited by Dreamy Bows, who were supplying Angelic Pretty merchandise. I was excited to see the wares of indie brands in person.

Before getting carried away, I decided to head to the bring and buy room to set up my own wares. I'd brought 18 handmade hair bows with me, in 6 different colours, and also a pink Bodyline blouse. Whilst there, I bumped into a lolita called Aggie, who was selling her secondhand clothes at ridiculously reasonable prices. In the end, I walked away with three beautiful skirts, handmade by her, for only £25! I had honestly thought I wouldn't be able to afford anything substantial at this event, and then that happened!

Back in the other room, I ended up buying a flower headdress from Wise Wolf clothing.

I made sure to go to both of the fashion shows, where two of my friends, Luna and Sammi, would be modelling. I am really not a fan of fashion shows but this was ok because it was lolita clothing! I think my friends did an excellent job, especially due to fellow Ox Loli Michelle trying to put them off by pulling faces at them as they walked down!

The final item I bought was a mouse mat from Haenuli.

It doesn't really sound as if a lot happened that day but somehow that really did take up a whole day. I made sure to keep eating and drinking regularly, but I still managed to get a headache from my hair extensions. Still, it was worth it! I loved my coordinate! Usually I look back and feel kinda disappointed because I looked plain once again. But this time, I think I nailed it.

One of my favourite parts of the day was visiting the toilets and being greeted with this gorgeous dressing area, actual towels by the sinks, and general excellence. We spent a lot of time taking pictures in here.

Here's my coordinate for the event:

Outfit Rundown:
Hair accessories: Handmade by me (Sugar Trampoline)
Blouse: Primark
Jumperskirt: St. Mephisto Cathedrale by Alice and the Pirates
Tights: H&M
Shoes: Hush Puppies

At the end of the day we watched specially prepared videos, and there was a raffle! I didn't get the big coveted prizes but I still won something! It was a haircomb by Cloudberry Lady, the colour of which matched my jumperskirt really well. I was so excited when my number got called! Straight after me, Luna won a prize. Ox Lolis represent XD

So, that was my experience of Frock On! Believe it or not, that was the abridged version haha!

Thanks for reading!