
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

fruit salad ice pops

fruit ice pops

These "fruit salad" ice pops were so fun to make!  We got the idea from this video (via Everyday Food).  We had been wanting to make these since last summer, but only just now got around to it for the popsicle party.

We made these the morning of (they take 6 hours to freeze) and the children were highly involved.  I cut up the fruit and they pushed the pieces down into the popsicle molds.  You can see that they are lovely, even without any special arrangement or skill whatsoever.  We used kiwi, fresh pineapple, and strawberries.  The ice is white grape juice.  They were surprisingly yummy and very popular at the party (although some kids didn't finish theirs).  We also had regular popsicles.  These were just for the fun of making them and because they are so pretty. 

It was so fun unmolding pop after pop at the party and to see how each one turned out.  Unfortunately I was handing them out, so unable to photograph more of them.  They were all pretty, though.  I'd love to try these with more and different fruits, especially blueberries, although I'll always use the kiwis because they are just so gorgeous. 

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