
Sunday, September 22, 2013

scenes from the weekend

popsicle party! in the fort jumping at the popsicle party at the popsicle party late summer flowers troll from denmark happy equinox! autumn tea

The weekend was good. The popsicle party on Saturday went off without a hitch. It was well attended and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Ken placed a sprinkler under the trampoline and the kids jumped in the spray. They loved it! (Instagram video of it here).

My parents very kindly offered to watch the kids post-party, and Ken and I had our first date night in a month or so.  It was so nice to have time together, just the two of us.  Yay for date nights!  We grabbed burgers here and saw a movie (yay for entertainment!).  We saw Thanks for Sharing which I much enjoyed.   I don't need a fancy date night to feel re-connected.  A burger and a movie is fantastic, as far as I'm concerned.

Sunday we celebrated the equinox with a little tea party.  I attempted to make aebelskivers for the first time ever.  I bought a little pan at the Scandinavian festival last spring.  You guys--it's hard!  They were tasty, but none too pretty.  I will say they make a delightful tea dish.  We even got a touch of fall-ish weather, so the timing was perfect.

Otherwise, it was a fairly normal weekend with chores and hanging out.  I'm ready for another week!

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