
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

family dinners

stuffed peppers chicken with cucumber yogurt sauce beef stroganoff meatballs roasted chicken with chickpeas moraccan chicken stew

I continue to be super interested in figuring out family dinner.  My goal is to develop a core of simple, healthy, homemade, no-special-ingredient, tasty dinners that are liked by all of us (or at least each of us likes some part of it).  Here are five dinners that I consider pretty tried and true by now. 

Shown above--
:: stuffed peppers.  I love these!  The boys don't eat the actual peppers but will eat the filling (sort of--not Dieter so much).  Funny anecdote:  on the night I was making these particular peppers I cut myself on the lid of a can of tomato sauce and had to go to the hospital for stitches!  Major bummer, but Ken finished the dish for me, so we still got to enjoy them when I got back. 
:: chicken with cucumber-yogurt sauce.  So easy and fresh tasting.  We love this. 
:: meatball stroganoff.  So tasty!  From Everyday Food.
:: spatchcocked chicken with chickpeas (here).  I do this a bit differently than the recipe--the chickens are so large these days, it takes longer to cook than the recipe states.  I do 20 minutes, then add the chickpeas, and do 20 more minutes.  This is so tasty with cilantro and lime as the recipe suggests, but I also want to try serving it with mango chutney.
:: and finally, Moroccan chicken stew.  Everyone loves this and it is so quick and easy.  I buy a bag of sweet potatoes and a box of whole wheat couscous at Trader Joe's and they come out perfectly even to make this three times.  After the three times (spaced a few weeks apart) I retire the recipe for awhile.  I love doing it this way because I hate having ingredients left over.  I find I won't use them if they are just randomly in the pantry, so I avoid that now.  I love having a clean, simple pantry.

It is really easy to find organic ground beef and organic chicken at Trader Joe's so that is what I do.  We are fairly meat-centric these days.

 It is starting to feel fallish around here and I'm getting excited about making cool weather fare, chilis, stews, soups, and casseroles.  Yay! 

What are you loving for dinner lately?

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