
Friday, October 4, 2013

A Casual Vintage Fair Meetup!

Last Saturday I met up with some of the Ox Lolis plus a couple others to check out a vintage fair in Oxford.

To be honest, the fair was pretty naff! It was more of a jumble/car boot sale kind of deal rather than good quality vintage clothing that is actually stylish! There were heaps upon heaps of Christmas jumpers, putrid ball gowns and dirty coats. I was so disappointed! I expected so much more seeing as there was an entrance fee. They could learn a thing or two from The Reading Vintage Fair...

Anyway, after leaving the fair, mostly empty-handed, we headed over to Noodle Nation for lunch. I had an amazing Singaporean style stir fry dish. The reverse sides of the menus had a dragon picture you could colour in so, like the mature people we all are, we fetched the cups of crayons in the corner and began customising our dragons.

I called mine Henrietta and coloured it in pink and purple so it matched my coordinate XD

A super unflattering photo of me but somehow I like it!

After we'd all eaten, chatted about all sorts, and coloured in our dragons, we decided to have a wander. We ended up in Primark but it was pretty rubbish so we carried on.

We finally took some outfit pictures and group pictures outside. There were some really lovely pictures on my phone from the day but I regret to say that when I plugged my phone into my laptop to upload the pictures just now, all the files were corrupted ;__;

I don't really know what had happened. I knew my laptop didn't like my phone much, and I experimented yesterday with sending pictures from my phone via e-mail, but it was a ridiculously slow, battery-draining, and faulty process. I'm glad I had attempted that though because it meant a handful of photos were rescued, though none of the nice ones of myself, sadly.

It was by no means a lolita meetup but somehow most of us wore lolita anyway!

I think we were trying to look like penguins at this point.

After pictures, our group dwindled and a few of us hung out in the Debenhams cafe, just talking and nibbling on fudge we'd bought from Fudge Kitchen earlier (mine was strawberries and cream flavour and positively divine). And then, we went back to the train station where we said our final goodbyes.

I had a really lovely day and I can't wait to see everybody again soon 

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