
Monday, November 11, 2013

griffith park

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We took a little day trip to Griffith Park on Saturday.  You guys, it was such a fun adventure!  I can't believe we'd never gone before.  Our aim was to visit the observatory, but we discovered there is so much more.  Griffith Park is one of the largest urban parks in North America--nearly six times as big as Central Park in New York and four times as big as Golden Gate park in San Francisco.  It contains not only Griffith Observatory, but also an old carousel built in 1926, a little train, pony rides, the LA Zoo, the Autry Museum, the Greek Theater, the Hollywood sign, Travel Town, and many hiking trails and grassy fields.  I was totally geeking out on all the beauty and largeness of it all.  It is also in a very cool old neighborhood with lovely houses and architecture. 

The observatory is a spectacular old building.  The museum is free and very interesting and engaging.  The planetarium show was stunning.  We all loved it.  Afterwards we ate lunch at the cafe and enjoyed the view (although it was hazy of course--it is LA after all!). 

After the observatory we decided to check out the carousel (so old!  so lovely!) and the train ride.  We had so much fun at all these attractions.  We're dying to go back for a hike and lunch at The Trails and maybe Travel Town.  Who knows?  There is so much fun to be had.

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