
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Shooting Stars and Streamers

And here we are, counting down the last hours of 2013.  What a year it has been! Good or bad - I won't say; but crazy-busy definitely! I feel like I was slow getting off the starting block, and never quite caught up, or caught my breath. I doubt that 2014 is going to be any calmer, though - I'll just have to get faster!

I was planning on doing a year-in-review post, but I've never enjoyed those flash-back kind of episodes in sitcoms (where you can tell that they've run out of momentum and are now just re-viewing the best jokes of the season), so I let that idea fizzle out.  And, um - well... I also ran out of time.

I made a cake instead:

(that's not just a random party-pig there, it's a Glucksswein ...


 Glücks•schwein•(chen)      nt   pig as a symbol of good luck ) 

: )

… and I put together a quick tutorial for a couple of the decorations:

Shooting Stars

You will need:
Coloured tylose/ CMC paste OR fondant (plastic icing) mixed with a little tylose /CMC powder.
Tylose glue
Star cutters
Wire, cut in various lengths
Edible /non-toxic glitter

Use tylose glue to stick two stars together with a piece of wire pressed between them.

Allow to dry, then brush with glue before sprinkling glitter liberally over the surface.

(Do this on top of a piece of paper, so that you can pour any excess glitter back into the pot.)
Tap off any excess glitter and allow to dry.
 Repeat on the other side if both sides of the star are going to be visible.

Twirled Streamers

Cut long strips of paste, then wind them around a something suitable - I used long paintbrushes.
Allow to dry just a little before draping them over the edge of a tin to dry completely.

And, that (as they say in show-business) is a wrap!

Have a fantastic New Years celebration, but more importantly:
 Wishing you a wonderful, creative, happy and healthy 2014!


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