
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Storing Cookies

After 10kg of cookie dough and 360 cookies in the past two days - it's time to put my oven gloves down and my feet up! Usually I whizz through baking biscuits for classes, but with the kitchen feeling like an oven in this weather, I counted down every last one until it was done!
So, while I'm chill-laxing I thought I'd write some notes on something I frequently get asked:
How to store cookies.

Cookie dough - can usually be kept in the fridge for a few days before using, but it also freezes very well.

Cookies - once completely cool after being baked, I store mine in large plastic containers (the ones that you buy 14kg of Pettinice icing in!). I layer them in tiers, with a sheet of absorbent paper towel between each layer. I start with the larger, stronger cookies on the bottom, and put the more delicate ones on the top tiers.

(The way they're stacked in the above picture is just for the sake of the photograph!  I've found that stacking a lot of cookies, while quicker and easier, leads to more breakages.)

You can store them this way for at least a week, possibly even 2!

Decorated Cookies: I find it best to pack each cookie individually into a cellophane bag.
Heat seal the edge, or  simply turn the edge over and seal with a piece of (pretty washi) tape or a sticker.
 I then store the cellophane-wrapped cookies in a container between layers of bubble wrap.
(Stored this way they are still edible after 2 weeks…but don't say I told you so!!)

If the decorated cookies just need to be kept for a day or two before serving, then I store them in containers between sheets of paper towel and bubble wrap.
(Don't let paper towel that has picked up grease from the bottom of the cookies rest on the iced surface of other cookies;  it may discolour your icing.)

Freezing Cookies:
Undecorated cookies freeze well. Let them thaw at room temperature, and if necessary you can put them into a warm oven to crisp up slightly. Apparently you can also freeze iced cookies, but in my experience - in a humid environment - the condensation when they thaw can ruin them, and it's not a chance I'll take.

And while we're on the subject of baking cookies, here's the basic butter cookie recipe that I use:

Happy baking…and storing!


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