
Monday, April 7, 2014

scandinavian festival!

scandinavian festival scandinavian festival

scandinavian festival scandinavian festival scandinavian festival scandinavian festival scandinavian festival

On Saturday we attended the best Scandinavian festival! This was our third year in a row and  was perhaps the best year yet. 

I've written about the Scandinavian festival before.  This year my boys were older with much longer attention spans and were much more happy, willing, and able to participate in all the crafts and activities that were offered.  In that last photo they are sanding down wooden butter knifes.  They worked so hard on them this year!

Other highlights were the Viking dress-up station and getting to pat and hang out with the most gorgeous Norwegian Elkhounds.  The boys and I are all obsessed with the breed now and are dying to get one. 

The weather was fantastic this year too--the most beautiful, temperate day you could ask for.  Once again, my mom went with us.  It has gotten to be quite a tradition now, as this was year three.  Can't wait to mark my calendar for next year. 

Thank you Scandinavian Festival!  We love you!

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