
Monday, December 21, 2015

dreamy :: practical

ray-ray and me 2 the boys

Hooray for getting through another week!  Sorry to drone on about counting down the weeks of the school year.  I never used to do that.  My job is more stressful now than it used to be and I feel like getting through each week is a huge accomplishment.  I need the weekend to unwind!  Another thing that throws me for a loop each year is Back to School Night, which was Wednesday this week.  I commute to work, so staying late for BTSN means I can't go home in between.  These last couple BTSNs I decided just to crash at my parents' house on that night  to save commuting home late at night and then having to get up at 5 the next morning just to drive straight back.  I feel like I'm still recovering!

Are you ready for a dreamy/practical list?

:: throw a popsicle party in the back yard!  Ken has invited a million families as usual.  It should be wild!
:: eat toast with honey and drink tea.  The boys like drinking Bedtime Tea with me in the evenings now.  So cozy!
:: be entertained!  I always have this as a goal in the back of my mind, but we rarely get to watch a show or movie anymore.  By the time the boys crash, I am exhausted.  Nonetheless, I'd love to watch a show on Netflix or bring out the Jane Eyre movie I bought ages ago but haven't watched yet.  (Ken can't stand period pieces, but maybe Dieter will watch it with me.  He watched Pride and Prejudice with me over the summer and we had a blast).

:: throw a popsicle party.  Ugh.  I'm the hugest introvert, so these parties actually take a lot out of me.  (But the kids love them).  I need to make a couple cheese balls and some popsicles and buy some popsicles too.  (And I'm going to remember to "fake it 'til I make it!")
:: do my cleaning routines
:: wash the car Sunday morning with one of the boys
:: ready myself for another full week and get my head together.  Get back on track!

ray-ray and me

 Bye bye!

PS--I'd love to hear what you're up to this weekend!

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