
Sunday, December 20, 2015

dreamy :: practical

Ken picked me a bouquet of roses. :)

Hooray for making it through another week! This was our first "normal" 5 day week of the year. It was hectic, but it's done.  What are you up to this weekend?  I'm in the mood for another dreamy/practical list.

:: drink coffee with half and half in the morning and lots of cucumber water the rest of the day
:: go to Saturday morning yoga class
:: plant a calla lilly bulb with the boys (I bought a kit at Trader Joe's today)
:: make waffles
:: take a day trip to Santa Barbara (zoo?  natural history?  art museum?)
:: read my current book (I'm reading this and I'm really enjoying it)
:: give myself a home pedicure

:: do a big clean-out of the pantry.  I'm looking forward to this, actually.
:: car wash Sunday with Rainer.  It's our routine now, since I got the new car
:: laundry!
:: home routines.  This week's zone is the kitchen.

What's on your list?

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